Trying to Sleep in the Bed I Made

Friday, June 15, 2007

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

As I mention in my profile, I am trying to sleep in the bed I made. To me this means learning how to handle each moment as it comes and still maintain my sanity. I want to embrace my life "the good the bad and the ugly" So here it is:

THE GOOD: I was in a position to be able to buy all new appliances for my kitchen which is something I have wanted since the day I bought the house and it was pretty much THE MOST exciting thing going on in my life at that moment so I was feeling pretty good.

THE BAD: Considering that we have been trying to be more financially responsible, I was a little nervous about spending the money on appliances when the ones I have (though more than 20 years old) did actually work.


The Stove was beautiful and we spent a lovely night together.

The Dishwasher was wonderful and I pushed it's buttons with pure passion

But the Refrigerator... OMG the REFRIGERATOR....


That's right people IT DID NOT FUCKING FIT...

Do you know what that's like??? It's like a night of great sex during which he calls you the wrong name - not that I have ever experienced this - I'm just giving an example.

So you might ask... why didn't you measure? WE DID...the husband and I both measured, but what we did not account for was getting past the window sill and the cabinet top---I know it's hard to picture but rest assured IT DID NOT FIT

So there it is... the story of my life. I am SOOO Pissed!... Yet oddly still turned on?!??!!?

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

What Happened? & Sexy Appliances

Is today really the first day of the rest of my life or is it just the last day of my old life? As each day goes buy I find myself feeling older and older. Today is a perfect example. Today is the first last day of school for my six year old. She just finished kindergarten and she is truly excited that it's the last day of school and she gets to sleep late tomorrow and start summer camp next week. She talked to my husband and I about it last night at length, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

I said to my husband "I really miss the last day of school." I remember each last day as if it were yesterday. The plans I would make for the summer. Skipping home from school like I had just been released from prison. Knowing that I could spend the next day hanging out at the pool and there would be no test and no homework. The feeling of freedom when I got up the next morning. Damn I miss those summers. It's enought to make me consider changing professions and becoming a teacher just to have the summer off. But then I remember that I really don't like other people's children (my godchildren excluded of course).

So where did the time go. How did I get to be this 34 year old stick in the mud who has to set bed times, check homework and remind (nag) the husband to take the garbage out and cut the grass. My aging is bringing me down. Yesterday I bought all new appliances for my kitchen. I was so excited it was almost sexual. I had a cigarette as I basked in the afterglow of my purchase. The new flat top electric stove, double door refrigerator and digital display dishwasher are so sexy. They will be delivered tomorrow, and I am thinking about finding a sitter for my daughter so that I can be alone with them when they arrive.

Since when are applicances exciting. There was a time when I would have taken that money and blown it on a new wardrobe of tight, slinky, short clothes or I would have hopped on a plane and gone to the Bahamas but all I could think about was the new appliances. When did my life become so mundane. The only thing that makes it better is knowing that my sister has it worse then me. She recently bought a new refrigerator and stunned the salesman by hugging it before she left the store to wait for it to be delivered. I will NOT hug the new appliances - - but I might give them head!

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