Kid's Say the Darndest Things

I think I love my daughter...
She is more like me than I ever could have imagined which is a really bitter pill to swallow. Lately she's become obsessed with my weight. Being a plus sized woman I would not say that I obsess about it, I just think about it all the time. I also find that she tries to use it against me.
We sat together the other night eating girl scout cookies. I know I should not buy them, but there they were (the girl scout cult) outside of the grocery store accosting people like drug pushers..."We got thin mints lady, c'mon you know you want about a few trefoil chasers... c'mon a lady your know you want them" I bought 18 boxes... not really just 3.
So there we were eating girl scout cookies and I told her that she'd had enough and then I popped another in my mouth. She was really pissed that I would not let her eat anymore and so she says to me " Mommy, if you keep eating those cookies you are going to get soooooooo biiiiiiig"
I will admit that my feelings were hurt. So I did what any woman would do--I finished the box! It was almost as bad as the time she said to me "Mommy when are you going to stop eating sweets so you can go back to your regular size." I informed her that this IS my regular size and that hosting a parasite in my body for 9 months was part of the problem (okay 7 months - I am lazy and she was a preemie)
I think my favorite thing that she has said so far was to my mother. She spent the weekend with my mom a while back and after my mom bathed her she said "Grandma I will help you take a bath too, but I am NOT washing your vagina!"
How can you not love this kid!
Labels: girl scouts, kids, vagina, weight
OMG!!!! I love her. These are the stories that make me want to have kids.
She is SO you reincarnated.
Oh, wait, maybe I don't want kids...
Kids are hilarious! My daughter not only talks about my weight, she talks about my dancing. I already had a complex. She has made it worse.
I just gave away my only box of Thin Mints to prevent me from eating the entire box all at once. Now, I am resentful of the recipient of my generous gift.
"Grandma I will help you take a bath too, but I am NOT washing your vagina!"
that's hystercial...I love straightforwardness of children...when it's not directed at me!
NOw that's just funny! You gotta love the kid, maybe, well yeah, I guess you gotta love the kid.
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