Daddy's Little Girl
We are approaching the first anniversary of the death of the most important man in my life. My father. In the past 3 weeks, I have relived every moment from 12 months ago - from the day we found out that he had cancer (January 17th 2006) through the day he died (February 6th 2006) 2 days after his 55th birthday and 6 days before my 33rd birthday. It was the worst 3 weeks of my life. There is nothing more horrible than watching the man who took care of you, taught you to swim, consoled you when you were sad, dried your tears, and gave you piggy back rides, lay in bed and slowly, painfully die.
My father was not a perfect man. In fact he had many imperfections, but he was there. During his memorial service I pulled myself together long enough to say a few words, because I needed people to know what a good father he was. He was always home. He was hilarious. Every time I saw him he would say to me "Do you know your Daddy loves you". His family came first. He believed in his daughters and he raised them to be strong black women.
He loved his grandchildren. My daughter was born two months premature and had to stay in the hospital for 3 weeks before they let her come home. He was there with me every day visiting her. He would sing to her every day. He loved taking my nephews to the Redskins Fan Day. He would pick out little girly gifts for my daughter - play shoes, purses, sunglasses, jewelry. He took his role as Granddaddy very seriously!
When I was 17 he taught me how to drive - on the interstate! I would have preferred side streets, but still he taught me. He took me to the beach and let the waves knock me down, but he never let go of my hand. He took my sister and me to the toy store at the start of each summer and let us pick out water guns. He would get one too and any time my mother left the house the water gun fight was on!
When I was 14 he told me that men only wanted one thing from women and when I asked him if that was all he wanted from mom when he met her, he answered honestly - YES! He told me stories about his life. He told me to go to college if I wanted to be successful. He told me I should be a writer. He told me that we should write a book together. And right before he died he told me that he loved me, that I was a good daughter and that he was proud to be my father.
I am married now. He was not there to give me away. But he left his two best friends for me. Two men who have known him since childhood and have known me since I was conceived. One of them is my godfather, the other is too, but doesn't hold the official title. One walked me down the aisle and told me jokes along the way to make sure I was smiling in my wedding pictures. The other did the father/daughter dance with me and promised me he would not cry because my father would have been proud. He told me to smile because I looked beautiful and my father could see me.
I love my husband, and I know he loves me. I am not an easy woman to live with, but he puts up with all my craziness and loves me anyway. But in the back of my mind I know that no man could ever love me the way my father did. No man could ever give me that feeling that I would get when I saw my Daddy. I felt like I was 5 years old whenever I saw him. I remember when we were kids and he would come home from work my mother, sister and I would all run to the door shouting "Daddy's home!! Daddy's home" and he would kiss my mother and then my sister and I would sit on his feet and he would walk us around the house until his legs hurt. I miss that, and somehow I don't think my husband would let me do it (smile).

"Do you know your daughter loves you!"
I'm so sorry for your loss and yet I celebrate the gift of God tha was your father. I encourage you to celebrate the goods times as you have here. I for one do not have the many memories of a loving father. I am trying to be the dad that my daughter loves forever. I hope you are able to smile over the next few days as you remember the good days, the many memories and the loving legacy that your hero left you.
Oh, that brought tears to my eyes. Your dad was the best. Hugs and hugs and hugs through these tough weeks, Sugar.
I am overwhelmed by your candor and also by the fact that I don't have such deep feelings for my own father. Your father was a fantastic dad andit was so obvious that he cared so much for his family. You are right - he was there and sometimes that means the most. Hold on to all the wonderful memories.
What an amazing tribute to your father! He sounds like an incredible man! I am so sorry for your loss. If it's any consolation, which it probably is NOT, at least he is in a better place. How lucky you were to have had the opportunity to experience so much love from your family!
PS: Mr. Mayhem and your husband may need to get together to exchange notes on how to survive life with a high maintenance wife! Oh, but we are so worth it! :)
That is a very nice blog about your father, and I'm sorry that you lost him.
To me, it's a reminder of how important fathers can be. I think I need to go hug my boy now.
Kwesi - I actully find myself smiling through the tears all the time bcausee I cannot think about my dad without thinking of something funny that he said or did.
Lex - my dad was the best, but to his detriment, he did not own a cool canabis belt buckle like your dad!
LaShawn - I actually have some pretty deep feelings about your Dad too--THAT MAN IS GORGEOUS!!
Seriously, I see efforts from your Dad to strengthen your relationship with him--it may not be exactly what you want him to do, but he is trying.
Queen - Sometimes when I am down, I have to remind myself that I am very very lucky to have a great family to lean on.
I think we should develop some High Maintenance Wife Survival Tips--what a great blog that would be!
DD - Hug your boy until he screams "DAD GET OFF ME" he may not appreciate it now, but when he's a grown man he will think about it and he will write a blog about how his dad would hug him until he screamed and he will laugh through the good times and the bad times at having this memory. Fathers are very important!!
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