Trying to Sleep in the Bed I Made

Friday, June 15, 2007

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

As I mention in my profile, I am trying to sleep in the bed I made. To me this means learning how to handle each moment as it comes and still maintain my sanity. I want to embrace my life "the good the bad and the ugly" So here it is:

THE GOOD: I was in a position to be able to buy all new appliances for my kitchen which is something I have wanted since the day I bought the house and it was pretty much THE MOST exciting thing going on in my life at that moment so I was feeling pretty good.

THE BAD: Considering that we have been trying to be more financially responsible, I was a little nervous about spending the money on appliances when the ones I have (though more than 20 years old) did actually work.


The Stove was beautiful and we spent a lovely night together.

The Dishwasher was wonderful and I pushed it's buttons with pure passion

But the Refrigerator... OMG the REFRIGERATOR....


That's right people IT DID NOT FUCKING FIT...

Do you know what that's like??? It's like a night of great sex during which he calls you the wrong name - not that I have ever experienced this - I'm just giving an example.

So you might ask... why didn't you measure? WE DID...the husband and I both measured, but what we did not account for was getting past the window sill and the cabinet top---I know it's hard to picture but rest assured IT DID NOT FIT

So there it is... the story of my life. I am SOOO Pissed!... Yet oddly still turned on?!??!!?

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At 11:12 PM , Blogger j.sterling said...
that so fucking sucks. SO SUCKS. i demand you cut something- burn something- tear something down. MAKE IT FIT. lol

your post turned me on though

At 2:51 AM , Blogger Lex said...

What the hell is wrong with you? Two posts in as many days?

The Fridge didn't fit? There are exercises you can do to stretch things out a bit, but I'm a bit confused about getting it past the window sill. Mine doesn't have a window sill. Dammit, mine is broken.

I'll see you at Sears.

At 2:53 AM , Blogger Lex said...

On another note...


At 10:43 AM , Blogger The Anti-Wife said...

I recommend a sledgehammer, and a sawzall. There are ways to make things fit!

At 1:34 PM , Blogger CP said...

"...a night of great sex during which he calls you the wrong name"


Never happened to me either...or the fucker would be on a skewer.


At 1:03 PM , Blogger jali said...

Saw, sledgehammer, whatever.

Goodbye windowsill! See ya cabinet. The joy of a new refrigerator can't be beat!

At 5:51 AM , Blogger Itsnopicknick said...

U have an appliance fettish! How annoying that it did not fit. it's like the time i bought a gas oven and when i'd hauled it up 2 flights of stairs, it turns out that it wasn't compliant with the NEW natural gas! Bugger!

At 5:23 PM , Blogger robkroese said...

As Freud once said, sometimes a fridge is just a fridge.

At 6:39 PM , Blogger Lex said...

I'm waiting!!! Where's the new post?

At 8:57 PM , Blogger Lex said...

Your kitchen's beautiful! Can we move on from this?!?!?!?!!?


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