I Am Changing...

It's been 11 months since I have posted to this blog. 11 months of trying to figure out who I am, where I am going and what the hell I want. I am sad to say that I still don't have the answers, but I am changing.
I have been unhappy in my job for the last year. I love what I do, but I had set and lived up to unreasonable expectations which left me feeling like I had to do it all and I had to do it alone. I let my boss infringe on my personal time to the point that it caused problems at home... all in the name of my career. It took a lot of time, disappointment, anger, frustration, and goading from friends to realize that this job just wasn't worth it. So I quit my job and started a new one. I have only been at the new job for 3 weeks and I am bored to death because I am so used to having too much to do that having a job with reasonable expectations is foreign to me, but I am changing.
I suffered a miscarriage last spring. It was a surprise pregnancy but the miscarriage hurt me just the same. I told myself I wasn't sure I wanted another child, but in reality it was the assumption that my husband felt we should stick with the one we had (he has 2 others from previous relationships). I recently admitted to myself that I really do want another baby. The knowledge that time is running out - I am 35 already - made me realize that I could not waiver on this. If this is what I really want, then I should be able to articulate that to my husband and discuss our options. We have discussed it and we both want to try again - his reasons for not wanting another were strictly financial, but he surprised me by stating what I was thinking - "You only have one child and if you want us to have another we should do it... I hope we have a boy" We got an ovulation detector and he actually asked me to tell him how it works so we could do it together. Only one of us ovulates, so I am not sure what together means, but I was pleased and surprised by his interest. I am really glad that we made this decision together. I usually make decisions for both us without his input, but I am changing.
I have spent a lot of time and money over the past few years trying to help out family members. I know that when I was struggling financially I had people to help me out on more than one occasion, but I did learn to stand on my own two feet. I am finding out that not everyone learns that lesson. If you continuously take care of adults, they will never learn to stand on their own. I don't want to see anyone out on the street, but I don't want to be tempted to claim them on my taxes as dependents either. I have finally put my foot down on this one. The money train ends here, because I am changing.
It's hard for me to admit to anyone when I feel weak or unsure - like everyday. I want to be the strong black woman that my mother raised me to be. Everyday I struggle with my insecurities and do my damnedest to hide them. I finally realized that the person I am hiding them from is me. How can I ever face my fears if I won't even admit that I am afraid. I am admitting it now. I am afraid of failure, poverty, loneliness, death, foreclosure, infertility, divorce, bad parenting, weight gain, and other people's perceptions of me, but... I am changing.

And you will have it, my dear.
Once we get clear on what we want from life (I mean really, honestly clear and not superfically clear) we attract it and we begin to work towards it without very much effort at all.
I am proud of you for feeling the fear and going anyway. Some of the fears you mentioned keep people paralyzed, unwilling to even attempt securing their hopes and dreams.
Bravo! The change is apparent. I'm so glad to see you enjoying life instead of worrying about it so much. And remember, you are never alone.
I love you!
Thanks Lex, I love you too and i know you will be there to give me the kick in the ass that I will inevitably need to keep the momentum going!
Is that ALL I'm good for!?!? Damn!
That's a good list of fears...I'd say you speak for many of us. It's pretty powerful to put it down, and let it go, girl!
Wow. I feel honored to have read this affirmative post.
Helluva year. You're on the right path now, it seems! Great to have you back.
Well, it seems I have to find out things about my dearest and nearest through a post, but I'll take it how I can get it. Hopefully this venue will affirm that so many have the same fears, and show that fear of not meeting expectations is a part of life. You are a very strong black woman, and the insecurities just make you human. Much love!
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Luck! I stumbled upon your blog and I loved this post, you have a beautiful natural way of writing... Anyway, good luck though it sounds you're on the right track
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